Welcome to the website of the Fetal and Neonatal Imaging Research group at the University Children's Hospital in Zürich

In the critically sensitive development of the nervous system during the prenatal and early neonatal period, structural and functional assessments of brain maturation have the potential to open a novel window into prenatal diagnostics and prognostics of congenital diseases. A timely characterization of impaired brain development in these abnormalities is crucial for counseling parents to be and enabling medical intervention to be undertaken where possible.

We are an interdisciplinary research group and part of the Center for MR-Research, University Children's Hospital Zürich. Our team uses advanced imaging techniques to depict white matter structure, brain connectivity and microvascular brain perfusion, and we aim to study the links between brain structure and function and neurological outcome in common congenital malformations.

Our research is supported by research grants offered to PD Dr. Andras Jakab by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SPARK Grant),  Forschungszentrum für das Kind (FZK Grant), the OPO-Foundation, Anna-Müller Grocholski Foundation, the Hasler foundation, the EMDO foundation, Neuroscience Center Zürich PhD Grant, Prof. Max Cloetta Foundation and the Foundation for Research in Science and the Humanities at the University of Zurich.